... everyone has the capacity to do great things, if given the opportunity
... education is empowerment
... the best decisions are informed decisions
... success is the result of the persistent pursuit of a well-planned strategy
"To assist students and their families in making informed decisions that will result in successful and satisfying careers."
In support of our Mission, we commit to the following:
Organizational VALUES - compassion, empathy, credibility, reliability, altruism and respect for others.
Strategic VALUES - affordability, flexibility and high quality.
Our programs will be adaptable to our client's needs, our delivery effective and our service exemplary. As a result, our customers will take pride in referring others to us.
We believe there is more to learning than simply absorbing information. Although our primary mandate is to help our candidates find an appropriate career path, our offerings are designed to provide additional insight into the following:
Greater self-awareness
Adapting learning skills
Transitioning to new environments
Improved communication
Research criteria, process and credible sources
Financial considerations
Enhanced career life skills
Group Learning
Our core programs are delivered in a group format. Group learning provides students with a comfortable learning style not unlike the classroom at an affordable group rate. Participants will receive individualized assessments but interact and perform group tasks enabling them to implement many of the learnings in real time. Sharing the experience with others enables the students to identify profile differences amongst the group adding credibility to their own evaluations and enable them to benefit from the insights and questions posed by their peers.
Individual Counselling
For those student who are uncomfortable in a group environment or who may not need access to the full program, customized sessions are available to individuals for selected offerings. The customized sessions will tend to dive deeper into the selected topic, but will typically not cover the breadth of material included in the group sessions.
Additional program offerings are being developed to address needs identified in the group or individual sessions which students can access on-line and peruse at their own pace. These sessions may appear as webinars, videos or reading materials. Many of these sessions will be available free of charge to subscribed members or participants in the above programs.
“If I could live my life over again, I would like to be the person I could have been but never was.” – George Bernard Shaw
Over the past few years, I have heard dozens of stories from disillusioned parents
regarding the struggles they have had with their children's post-secondary school
experiences - dropping out, changing programs, changing schools or unable to find
employment after graduation. Many of the same concerns that I myself have regarding
my own children as they embark on their own career plan. Things have changed since
most parents went to school. We are living in a much different world and much of the
old school mentality regarding post-secondary education is dated. Simply earning a
degree, any degree, is no longer adequate to ensure employment. Students must be
able to differentiate themselves from the pack with a focus, a specialty or experience
that sets them apart, because merely completing a degree has become the norm not
the exception.
These conversations identified for me a clear need for direction to both parents and students on how to make better choices when it comes to career planning. Career planning is not an easy task, I have done it myself in helping my distraught daughter as she was making her decision.
With experience as a consultant to the education system, the insights of a team of knowledgeable advisors and my personal recruiting experiences as a corporate executive, I launched Dynamic Career Pathways with the intent of helping students and frustrated adults gain a better understanding of themselves, what they are capable of and how to get there. Using many of the tools that consultants deploy in executive leadership programs and literally hundreds of hours of research, our programs are designed to take away much of the uncertainty surrounding the career planning process. I hope you will find our efforts beneficial as well.
Dwaine Praught, C.A.

In developing our programs we have had the good fortune to collaborate with a number of experts in the field. They have provided us many valuable insights in ensuring that our materials are comprehensive, current and relevant to today's student. They have also been instrumental in helping us establish our means of delivering the materials in an insightful and fun fashion. They will occasionally make appearances as guest speakers to provide their wisdom directly to the children.

John Williams
John heads up an academic coaching practice aimed at improving academic performance for high school and elementary students. Unlike traditional tutoring, John's coaching practice focuses on the underlying core skills of learning - organization and study habits. John provides great insights into children transitioning to a post-secondary learning environment.
Steven Benyo
Executive &
Steve is an influential executive with leadership capabilities and extensive experience in operational risk management having worked with BMO for over 15 years. He is also the father of two post-secondary students and as a result is well versed in the career planning field. He has been influential in the positioning of Dynamic Career Pathways and our service approach.
"Dwaine is a great facilitator. He works hard to get to know every student. The workshops encouraged a lot of quality conversations at home." - John M, father & entrepreneur