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"Success is the result of the persistent pursuit of a well-planned strategy."


The process of launching a career starts long before the interview process.  Students or experienced workers changing careers should begin preparation at the same time as they choose their path. Establishing and executing a plan well in advance will enable the candidate to differentiate themselves in the marketplace and separate themselves from the competition.

  • Building a brand

  • Effective networking

  • Employer evaluations

  • Resume writing

  • Interview preparation

The emphasis on finding employment is positioning oneself to be a desirable candidate.  Our focus is on readying potential employees to enter the workforce by helping to build a credible resume, preparing for interviews (including researching profiles on potential employers), differentiating from the crowd and networking effectively while avoiding the mistakes of typical job seekers.


In addition to the seminars and self-help videos described on the programs page, we would be happy to assist individuals looking for additional outplacement services (e.g. search assistance, resume critiques) by connecting them with professional advisors through our collaborations with human resource specialists and recruiters.

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