At Dynamic we are constantly trying to develop tools and programs to help students and revitalizing adults find satisfying and successful careers.
Our programs are typically offered in workshop formats, but can be delivered to smaller groups or individuals as well.
Our goal is to develop long-term relationships with our clients and to share your success stories with our network of friends.

Dawn of a New Day
launching or re-launching a career
Dawn of a New Day, our core program for students approaching post-secondary graduation and adults seeking career change is delivered in a group format (8 - 12 people) over five sessions. The primary focus of the sessions is to provide candidates with a personal profile that can be used to find a career that will prove both successful and fulfilling and give insights into presenting themselves in a positive light to employers. Using the profile as a basis, candidates will be shown how to research career options and then how to evaluate the job qualifications against their profile.
Participants will be provided with insights into how they should begin to prepare themselves for their career launch, understanding the value they bring, their strengths and their ideal work environment.
Lastly, candidates will be shown how they can best position themselves as an ideal candidate through effective networking, interview preparation and presentation skills.
The program is highly interactive, allowing candidates to implement much of the learnings during the sessions, enabling them to enhance their understanding and application immediately. The following is a brief outline of the program curriculum:
Day 1: Setting the Bar
Goal Setting Techniques - setting the bar - a process and tools for establishing personal goals and balancing priorities
Self-awareness (part I) - understanding the personal profile model and the integration of the key elements. Completion of the first assessment - personal interests and identification of personal values and marketable skill sets.
Day 2: Understanding human behaviour
Self-awareness (part II) - completion of assessments on behaviour style and personal drivers.
Introduction to Canadian career databases - expanding the options under consideration by expanding traditional paradigms.
Communication effectiveness training - understanding human behaviour and its impact on the ability to communicate effectively, including how to manage conflict.
Day 3: One-page career plan
Summarization of the personal profile findings into a one-page career plan, which includes a listing of career options aligned with the candidate's personalized profile.
Career map development - expanding the options within a given profession by evaluating related careers progression options within a given field of work.
Insights into differential advantages - examination of personal strengths, ideal work environments, work behaviour hierarchies and development of strategies for exploiting them.
Day 4: Career exploration
Armed with a listing of suitable career options, candidates will be directed to numerous resources that will enable them to research the professions in question - including key roles & duties, qualifications, compensation ranges, and economic outlook. They will also be shown where to locate informative interviews and articles regarding the daily lifestyle within the profession.
Comparison of career expectations and requirements against the the personal profile will enable work candidates to evaluate the 'fit'.
Insights into building a brand that will draw the attention of potential employers, including insights into managing social media.
Day 5: Preparing for the interview
Networking - leveraging others to help get those desirable opportunities.
Resume writing - techniques for putting together an impressive resume.
Employer research - discover in advance what potential employers are looking for.
Interview skills - using body language, communication skills, dealing with objections.
Final review - pulling it all together.